Monday, September 13, 2010

Fourteen Staples and a Birthday Wish

Fourteen Staples:

Well, it's been a little while since I last posted something on here but that is because I have been crazy busy. So much has happened! But I don't think I can put it all in one post so I'm just going to tell you about last Saturday even though you've pretty much all heard the story...

So, Saturday morning Jamie and I got up early-ish because it was Tyler's birthday. He wanted to go dune-buggying so we had to leave early since it took awhile to get where were going to drive it. It was really a lot of fun. Tyler could drive it pretty fast and Jamie learned how to drive it. I couldn't reach the pedals so I couldn't learn... that's okay though. I loved just riding though and looking out at how there were no buildings or houses around. There were just fields and fields and blue sky and sunflowers lining both sides of the road. It was beautiful so of course I had to take tons of pictures.

The last time Tyler and I took it out though we rolled the buggy on accident. Which was pretty exciting... and scary. I thought we were going to die but I was just overreacting. Poor Tyler got a head wound and was bleeding all over the place. The buggy was too damaged to drive so we had to just start walking. I was panicking because Tyler started blacking out and there was blood all over him and we were miles from his dad and Jamie but Tyler was actually very calm and handled it really well. We found a campsite and just started yelling for help and finally someone came out of her trailer and saw what was going on. So someone took me back to Tyler's dad and Jamie while they took care of Tyler's head. (Apparently he had to tell them how to do first aid but it was nice of them to help). And everything was okay. It was really really scary though. I only got a tiny bit hurt and Tyler is doing a lot better. He had to get fourteen staples though...
Yeah.. pretty disgusting... But kind of interesting at the same time. It kind of makes me cringe to look at it and so I apologize if it does that to you too..

But anyway, I never did a blog about Tyler for his birthday... so now onto part 2 of this post.

Happy Birthday Wish:

Tyler's one of the most loyal friends I've ever known. He's always there for any of his friends any time they need him. He's willing to go out of his way to give up some of his time to give the person a hug or just let them talk it out for hours and hours. I know a lot of people, including me, really appreciate that he's willing to do that even though I know sometimes he doesn't realize how much it means to his friends.

Along with being an awesome friend he is really really smart. He teaches himself piano (and is actually pretty good at it), his vocabulary is much larger than an average 18 year old's, he's especially good at science, he understands a lot of things that make no sense to me, he's an amazing writer both in wording and in the content he writes, and he has a vast knowledge of random facts.

 I'm really glad I have Tyler for a friend and I hope he had a good birthday even though he now has fourteen staples in his head. He's a great person and I don't know what I would do without him. I hope he knows that a lot of people really are grateful for him in their lives and so many people really care about him. So.. Happy Birthday Tyler!! (and Jamie and I still have a present for you we just need to get it to you sometime.)


Annah said...

That sunflower collage is DIVINE.

Maren said...

Oh thanks! :)